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Dallas Wittgenfeld – Thunder Chicken

Exposing the truth about the actions of the Thunder Chicken

What is a Thunder Chicken?

The term “thunder chicken” is colloquial nickname which refers to the wild turkey. Ironically Turkeys don’t actually fly. They have limited capability to take to the air when predators come after them,

A bit of an unusual name for a parachutist but most likely and appropriate one for Dallas Wittgenfeld. Who has over the many years as a fraudster, scammer and online predator. When exposed for his behaviour and lies, this so called ‘honorable soldier’ takes flight and runs as fast as he can.

Dallas Wittgenfeld

As this site reveals Dallas Wittgenfeld has on many occasions used different alias to create lies and defamation about those who have exposed him as a fraud, scammer, stalker and the many other disturbing actions he has carried out against innocent men and women.

One of the alias Dallas Wittgenfeld has used is that of a stage name Thunder Chicken, Dallas Wittgenfeld is indeed a parachutist who on occasions works with SkyDive, DeLand. However a recent rumor came out that Wittgenfeld was banned from his sky diving school due to the bad reputation he was bringing towards them. Understandable, no one wants a drunk internet predator tarnishing their reputation.

Sky Diving Clown

On his most recent Facebook established in December 2024, Dallas Wittgenfeld claims he is the only sky diving clown according to his Facebook page. This statement on Facebook is fundamentally untrue

In the 1980’s Leon Resch was named ‘the only skydiving clown in the country’ and was featured on Tennessee’s WDEF News 12 ( when he successfully landed in to a kid’s pool from approximately 4000ft up. Dallas making a claim he is the only sky diving clown is fundamentally like assuming a counterfeit good is the original one.

Dallas Wittgenfeld #Dallaswittgenfeld
Dallas Wittgenfeld’s Facebook Account

Leon Resch who is featured in the below video is probably not to concerned who holds the title of ‘Sky Diving Clown’ .

However Dallas Wittgenfeld claiming he is the only sky diving clown only contributes to the very frail ego of a man who has only really established himself as bringing shame to himself through substance abuse.

Thunder Chicken Vs Stolen Valor Community

Leon Resch and probably many other sky diving clown’s probably entertained children around the world with their outstanding and death defying stunts. However in the case of Dallas Wittgenfeld all he did was entertain members from the ‘Stolen Valor’ community and gain a reputation of being a bit of a ‘Peckerhead’ while exposing himself for the downright fraud he was. Even stealing other peoples photos and making claims they were his as the below comment exposes him for this action from ‘This Ain’t Hell Blog’

Dallas Wittgenfeld
Dallas Wittgenfeld
Dallas Wittgenfeld

There are several articles where the late Jonn Lilyea the main author of the blog exposed Dallas Wittgenfeld for the military phony he is.

Martial Arts Vs Thunder Chicken

Sadly this trend of Dallas Wittgenfeld only continued using the name Thunder Chicken in to the Martial Arts World. Dallas Wittgenfeld embroiled himself in Case 35-2020-CA-001851 held at Lake Country Court, Florida where Plaintiff’s Steven Hatfield and Bret Gordon filed suit against Dr. Dale Dugas apparently  aka Gerald Greysmith Gg And Lordes Sapiens

Dallas Wittgenfeld who fundamentally had nothing to do with the case, set out to cause misinformation and disinformation essentially supplying one of the author of the site Martialarts Frauds and Fakes Lordes Sapiens content to expose Dallas Wittgenfeld. Again his alias of Thunder Chicken appearing within the following articles contributing to his own exposure as an internet predator,

Dallas Wittgenfeld in his infinite wisdom of a bird brained individual again only exposed himself, demonstrating exactly what kind of lowlife he was. Fundamentally a so called Vietnam veteran who lied about his time in the service to carry out financial scams and frauds, the mentality of a young child who calls for attention, a master of telling lies and a creator of false accusations against others.

Dallas Wittgenfeld
Dallas Wittgenfeld Spreading Defamation and Doxing others
Dallas Wittgenfeld
Dallas Witgenfeld being exposed on Facebook:
Martial Arts Hall of Shame

More Recently

Dallas Wittgenfeld yet again has been attacking others under a website called Dale-Dugas/com where this delusional clown has used his own so called professional profile to distribute links to articles which he has created himself. The site created by Dallas Wittgenfeld makes only defamatory and slanderous accusations against individuals who have exposed him for his lies and his own unhealthy behaviours .

Surprising this Peckerhead Dallas Wittgenfeld distributes these links under his own profile, r demonstrates what kind of bird brain he is and indeed should be recognised for what he is. No Thunder Chicken , more like the cowardly chicken many recognise him for .

Images and links created by Dallas Wittgenfeld in Jan 2025
Dallas Wittgenfeld
Dallas Wittgenfeld
Dallas Wittgenfeld
Dallas Wittgenfeld